Thousands of alerts to deal with? No problem.

DevOcean helps you cut through the chaos by automatically consolidating, prioritizing, and streamlining fixes faster across all teams and assets, reducing costs, risk exposure, and MTTR.

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Is your remediation workflow still broken?

DevOcean is Here.

Going beyond traditional methods, our Unified Remediation Platform™️ enables security, dev and devops teams to collaborate efficiently without the usual pain and friction of day-to-day operations.
DevOcean’s powerful workflow automation engine leverages the unique context of cloud-to-code root cause analysis and ownership association to deliver a highly accurate remediation solution that drives resolution at scale.

See & Prioritize Everything

Silence 90% of your alert noise with consolidated, multi-layer validation and prioritization of findings from all your security tools across config, code, runtime and more.

Learn more >

Discover Root Cause & Owner

Find the fastest path to remediation by automatically uncovering the root of the problem and the responsible owner to get it fixed.

Learn more >

Work Together Better

Maintain the attentiveness and effectiveness of your IT and dev teams by making communication with security teams more efficient.

Learn more >
“DevOcean’s unique capability to tell a multilayered story that gathers security data from multiple sources - saves precious time and drives down costs.”
Gerhard Eschelbeck

Gerhard Eschelbeck

Former CISO, Google

“With DevOcean tracking how applications are created and changed in the cloud - Change management turns into something that you can see and automate.”
Maarten Van Horenbeeck

Maarten Van Horenbeeck

CISO, Zendesk

Without making any changes, DevOcean empowers the existing security stack value and simplifies the creation of compliance reports.”
Jeff Trudeau

Jeff Trudeau

Former CISO, Credit Karma

"The Application-First approach bridges gaps between security, development, and product teams - who all have an impact on the speed at which security risks are remediated.”
Adam Hirsch

Adam Hirsch

Head of Security Audit, Amazon

DevOcean is like Salesforce for cloud security teams. They provide a single address for full observability into the different layers of cloud applications so remediating critical risks becomes a much more efficient process.
Pathik Patel

Pathik Patel

Head of Cloud Security, Informatica

Right from the start, DevOcean helped us find unknown connections across different cloud accounts and critical applications. Security decisions become much easier and faster to make when you have multi-layer visibility into how your applications look in production and how security events are connected to each asset. Their ability to listen to our needs and innovate quickly has made them a valuable partner of RSA.
Itay Kozuch

Itay Kozuch

Director of Cybersecurity and Compliance, CISO at Outseer an RSA Company

Connect your tools to DevOcean

We plug right into your existing tools so you can consolidate, communicate and coordinate cloud remediation from one place.

Did you know

A shocking 62% of breaches result from KNOWN vulnerabilities the targeted organization was fully aware of! Excessively slow and manual processes typically only allow for the fixing of a mere 10% of issues— and even those can take up to 200 days!

Get more done with less effort.

DevOcean maximizes the value of your existing stack by uncorking bottlenecks. Take the manual effort out of the time-consuming tasks that cause alert fatigue and endless backlogs. Drive remediation over the last mile and see an 85% improvement in the ROI of your existing stack.

Alert Reduction




SLA Compliance


Tool Utilization


Accelerate security remediation with DevOcean

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best approach to remediation in the cloud?

The best approach to remediation in the cloud involves five key steps: First, "Connect" by consolidating findings into a single system for unified management. Then, "Reduce Noise" by clustering similar alerts. "Prioritize" by considering severity, impact, and fix complexity. Identify "Root Cause & Owners" and delegate fixes. Lastly, "Track & Validate Fixes" to maintain visibility into remediation progress and ensure effective production fixes.

What is cloud-to-code remediation?

Cloud-to-code remediation is a term coined by DevOcean to describe a connected, unified remediation approach that supports the complexity of modern, hybrid environments. Once connected to cloud, on-prem, code, CI/CD, and legacy sources, DevOcean's powerful workflow automation engine automatically collects, consolidates and deduplicates all vulnerability alerts - no matter the source - and immediately leverages the unique context of cloud-to-code root cause analysis and ownership association to drive unified remediation at scale.

How soon will I see results with DevOcean?

Within minutes of integrating your existing security tools and scanners with DevOcean's Unified Remediation you'll see a significant reduction in in backlog. DevOcean immediately eliminates false positives, deduplicates findings, and groups related alert backlog reduction.

How do I reduce vulnerability remediation costs?

Looking to reduce vulnerability remediation costs? It's simple: ditch the manual work. Save your security, dev and devops teams hundreds of hours of manual work usually wasted hunting for root causes, mapping code owners to issues and assets, and analyzing thousands of alerts to filter duplicates and false positives. Automate the remediation workflow to free up your team's time, resources and focus. You can reduce cost of vulnerability remediation while increasing the number of fixes that get - and stay - fixed.

Fast forward remediation.

Cut remediation cycles from weeks to days.